Dexter Bohlen Dexter Bohlen

The Feminist Policy Lab - Cohort 1 2022/2023

Young Emerging Female Feminist Policymaker Leaders

The Feminist Policy Lab’s objective is to empower and equip the next generation of emerging feminists with the necessary skills to excel as gender policy researchers. The ultimate vision of the Feminist Policy Lab is to influence the Liberian Government’s agenda on all issues related to women’s rights and gender equality. The program will provide an enabling environment to foster development and growth through intensive feminist research training for young women. It is designed to work with community-based, grassroots women-led organizations and young emerging feminists to build their capacity to influence the Liberian Government’s agenda on all issues related to women’s rights and gender equality.


Group 1 - Research Team

“The Luxury of Maternal Healthcare: Liberia's Hospitals are New Mother's Prison”

Majorie N. Wright

Feminist - Bachelor degree in Biology

Nusone E. Perkins

Feminist- BA in International Business & Trade

Rammie P. Klah

Feminist - Bachelor degree in Biology

Doreen A. O'diaji

Feminist - Bachelor Degree in International Relations

Group 2 - Research Team

“Prison Reform for Women”

Courage N. Wilson

Feminist - Bachelor’s Degree in Biology

Abigail A.A. Dorbor

Feminist - Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology

Saraphen B. Dahn

Feminist - Bachelor’s Degree in Biology

Prospective graduate - Master of Public Health

Laura Kolaker

Feminist - Bachelor’s Degree in Biology

Group 3 - Research Team

“Sexual Harassment in the Education System”

Blessing M. Collins

Feminist - Bachelor in Economics

Jennifer Scott

Feminist - Bachelor in Social Work, Bachelor in Civil Engineering

Rochelle M. Richards

Feminist- Bachelor in Mass Communications

Willet Z. Gaye

Feminist - Bachelor degree in Environmental Science

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Dexter Bohlen Dexter Bohlen





Saviour C. Suah

Saviour received the GPFA scholarship in 2021, when she struggled to continue her studies. Now, she has proven her assiduousness after two years and graduated with honor (cum laude) accumulating a 3.32 GPA Bachelor of Science in Biology. Saviour was a great asset to GPFA Cuttington Campus School where she assisted young GPFA high and elementary school students with their studies. Her aspiration is to become a Medical doctor and has already anticipated the A.M. Dogliotti Medical School examination. She is currently serving as a volunteer to the Foundation rendering her service and support to others.

Viola Kermue

Viola served as the GPFA scholars president during her last year a Cuttington University. She is a residence of Bong County. She graduated with a 3.18 GPA with a bachelor of Science in Plant & Soil Science.

Andrew Kerkula

Andrew is a graduate of the college of Business. He graduated from with a first class honor (Summa Cum laude) accumulating a 3.84 GPA in Business Management. He was the valedictorian of his College and has inspire several students through his footstep.

Reuben Rambo

Reuben received the GPFA scholarship as the TPG fellows. He rendered his service as a PeaceJam Mentor to support students in different high Schools.

He graduated with a bachelor of science in Environmental Science. He look forward to extend his knowledge in Climate change as a specialist.





Helena graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


Ernest was one of the July 2022 scholarship applicant that was accepted. He was a senior student studying civil engineering and couldn’t afford to finish his studies. During this time at GPFA, he served the PeaceJam as volunteer. He worked as an intern for Bureau of Maritime where receive a job after graduation. He graduated with 3.37 GPA Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering.

Rachel Kaba

She graduated from the Mother Pattern college with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology


She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with a Cummulative GPA of 3.35. She currently work with Road Safety Action International as the Deputy Director on Road Safety Awareness and Education.

Abraham Kromah

Abraham applied for GPFA scholarship online in July 2022, when he had difficulties to complete his studies at Stella Maris Polytechnic University. He was scrutinized like every applicant but manage to excel among others. Now, he has graduated with an Associate Degree in Structural Engineering.



Williete T.B. Teekay

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management from the African Methodist Episcopal University



Eve Lorto Blackie

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from the Bluecrest University

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The Festival of Women "Breakfast Walk and Talk (BTW)" is part of the GPFA flagship program called Driving Innovation through Community Empowerment (DICE). BTW is a space created for women/girls to have an intellectual discussion about societal problems affecting them. It also finds a solution to the difficulties, struggles, experiences, and complications they encounter within our society.

However, GPFA targeted to impact 100 women within Montserrado County and received over 250 women participants held on Saturday, January 7, 2023, at the GPFA peace Hub, Domah's town, Schiefflin Township, Margibi County. These women learned about their unanswered questions, shared stories and experiences, and understood the differences and challenges women/girls encounter in our natural world. Some participants involved were the Army wives of AFL, Domah's town community's women, GPFA peace brigades, women advocates, GPFA scholar's mothers, youth, students, etc.

The theme of the program was "Our Space, Our Strength." The program had six sessions that contributed to the plan of life value. They include Financial Security, "Your Health, Your Wealth," Be Youtiful-Selfcare; A Journey of Faith-Your Walk with Christ; Building Your Business and Settling Goals-Making plans to Succeed. These six groups highlighted women's needs and want; livelihood goals to succeed; career path out of failure; financial skill capacity building skills, understanding the virtue of health and youthfulness, and other untold circumstances.


Mrs. Abigail Urey-Miller taught participants some money-managing techniques and skills. This session taught them the importance of saving, setting financial goals, and profiting from your investment with planning. GPFA concluded by distributing piggy banks (cash boxes) valued at $LD 500.00 to encourage saving.


Dr. Rose Jallah- Macauley, talked about the importance of health and the misconception of illnesses for self-medication, modern medical treatment, and traditional medication. However, the discussion transcended to mental well-being and psychosocial health as a threat to our youth today. Moreover, discussing eating healthy and exercising is essential to nurture our physical health and avoid obesity. The session concluded with a conversation about the misconceptions about some illnesses.


Setting Goals- Making Plans to Succeed: Ms. Sarah Buchanan ( Executive Director, Orange Liberia, and GPFA Board member) discussed the various approaches to livelihood plans, writing & prioritizing your goals, and making sacrifices today for a better tomorrow. The session ended with participants listing their dreams on a vision paper exercise and noting how to achieve them.


Building your Business - Mrs. Eyvonne Bright Harding (Owner of Sharks. Inc) has been a very successful businesswoman over the past 20 years. She is an expert in Business growth and development. She expounds on techniques for growing from a small business to its full potential, establishing partnerships, and delegating tasks that will work without business owners.


Lady Della Belleh's session focused on the essence of walking with God. She encouraged our participants to have a relationship with God and to acknowledge him through everything.


Mrs. Mvogo ( former City Mayor of Monrovia) discussed the importance of self-care. She spoke of the different ways of catering to one's self. She taught the participants about the relationship between the mind and the body and how they complement each other. They also shared experiences about their livelihood, families, and bodies and how they overlooked themselves affects their standard as a woman. The workshop concluded with the women affirming themselves and each other with some values demonstrating their specialty.

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Dexter Bohlen Dexter Bohlen



The Sixteen Days of Activism Against Sexual and Gender-based Violence is an annual international campaign that begins November 25 and ends December 10. The campaign calls for the PREVENTION and ELIMINATION of violence against women and girls.

Through community-based awareness and sensitization activities, 100 of GPFA’s Bong County-based students facilitated and implemented the 16-days campaign. The target demographic of the campaign were the men of Bong County. During the campaign, students and community animators engaged in discourse and training activities with men to educate and ward against perpetuating violence against women in their communities.


The 16 Days of Activism in Bong County

  • Create awareness amongst community members on the effects and impact of femicide on the family unit.

  • Build stronger solidarity and allyship among women and men in Bong County.

  • Educate community on laws and policies protecting women’s rights.

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Dexter Bohlen Dexter Bohlen



Executive Summary

The catalyst beyond the establishment of the Peace Through Fair Play (PTFP) started with an observation among young people in which GPFA identified that although many claim young people are the future of Liberia, they are often neglected. The majority never get the chance to have the space, knowledge, and support they need to become the leaders they ought to be. Therefore, GPFA designed a project under its Transformation Leadership Initiative to target young people from ten to sixteen years of age.

The first annual PTFP youth camp was held in 2013 in Careysburg, Montserrado County. Since then, several other PTFP Youth Camps have been held in various counties for kids from Nimba-Grand Gedeh, Bomi-Grand Cape Mount, Rivercess-Grand Bassa, and Margibi. This year (2022) is the 7th Annual Peace Through Fair Play, as Covid-19 prevented us from hosting camp for two years. The camp's goal is to promote respect, integrity, and accountability to foster peace and reconciliation among youths in Liberia. Before hosting each camp, GPFA hosts a one-day Volunteers training to empower volunteers with knowledge on child protection to guide them to serve as better caregivers to the campers to achieve the camp's goals.

PTFP is a human capacity-building initiative designed to equip the future leaders of Liberia by positively changing their mindsets, thus creating a change in behavior in which they can see themselves as possible change leaders and members of a community that needs the cooperation of everyone to succeed. By targeting the young minds of these youth, the 7th Annual PTFP facilitates topics surrounding Conflict and Peace, Civic Education, Morals, and Ethics, among others. Understanding these topics help young people prepare for, create and design the future they desire and contribute to the development of their communities and society.


Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa hosted its seventh annual Peace Through Fair Play Youth Camp from August 7-12, 2022, with fifty (50) campers of diverse backgrounds between ages 10-16 years participating. They were selected regardless of their religion, financial status, and capabilities.

The 7th Annual Peace Through Fair Play was held under the theme: "Inspiring the Future Leaders." The camp's goal is to promote respect, integrity, and accountability to foster peace and reconciliation among youths in Liberia. This goal was carefully managed and achieved by professional facilitators with limitless experiences and vast knowledge about the topics presented to the campers, coupled with the efforts of the volunteers.

GPFA staff, including the camp Co-coordinators and Camp Director (GPFA's Founder and President, 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate Madam Leymah R. Gbowee), gave out tons of motivation and inspiration during the camp. The 7th Annual PTFP Youth Camp was well spent, leaving all participants with a lifetime experience.

1.0 Six Days Of Transforming the Lives of Youth in Margibi

Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa hosted its Peace Through Fair Play Youth Camp for six days. Fifty (50) campers from Margibi were thrilled by their different engagements.



Team Blue had brainiacs that could redefine thoughts and surprises, but they were doomed due to their lack of confidence. They were the first runner-up in the PTFP youth camp.


Team Brown - is one of the most fantastic teams at the camp. They had almost everything; the most active and eloquent speakers, dancers, and a visually impaired member that could spell any word in the spelling bees competition. There were so many people mesmerized by the duo dancers of the Brownies.


The Volunteers are GPFA current and former/graduate scholars and staff. They served in many capacities as Medical practitioners, caregivers, teachers, guardians, and parents of the kids.


Team Yellow - This team had characters of all dimensions, including the best singer who was visually impaired, a historian, a journalist, a dancer, and the most caring person at the Camp that won the prize as the Peace Ambassador (John Blamo).


Team Orange are winners of the PTFP youth Camp 2022. They amplified their voices through the unity of their team which every member served in a different capacity.


Team Green - They triumphed despite comprising of two deaf campers and one visually impaired camper. They manage the euphoria of their team, conquering many games beyond their reach.


On the morning of the first day (August 7, 2022), GPFA staff and volunteers arrived in Kakata City, Margibi County, ahead of the campers to begin preparation, such as the packaging of the camp's materials and items for the campers. This was followed by the arrival of campers in the afternoon, the signing of the parental/guardian consent forms, and each child's registration. Care packages were distributed, colors picked for teams' formation (Orange, Blue, Green, Brown, and Yellow), and rooms were assigned for the campers to settle down.

The Team democracy was next, involving all the groups selecting and forming their line of government and leadership. The official opening of the camp was marked with welcome remarks by Ms. Melvina O. Bright, the Administrative Director. She encouraged the campers to make their best opportunity at the center and its activities which will impact their lives. The 2022 PTFP camp Co-coordinators, Ms. Julian J. Nelson and Mr. Johnny S. Montgomery, did the overview. Ms. Nelson educated campers about what PTFP means, what it stands for, and what they should expect from it as students. Mr. Montgomery and the volunteers coordinated the Team Building aspect of the camp, setting up leadership within each team through a democratic process.

The next session started with Ms. Vaiba Flomo of the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace, who presented on the topic: "Understanding Conflict." She spoke on identifying common conflicts in the home, family, community, and school. She highlighted the causes, effects, and solutions of conflict. The 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee climaxed the first day's camp activities. She excitedly appreciated the campers and conducted a 10-minute spelling bee that awarded Team Blue a cash prize, thus making them the first team to win an award at the camp.


The second day (August 8, 2022) began with the early morning "Rise and Shine" competition, with Teams Orange and Green winning the first and second prizes, respectively. The Camp Director, Leymah Gbowee, taught the campers a new song, "I Have a New Life." There were three sessions, Moral and Ethics, Non–Violence and Peace and Religious Tolerance, facilitated by Messrs. Captan, Varpilah, and Imam Passewe, respectively.

Moral and Ethics: The facilitator emphasized Respect, Competence, and Integrity/Honesty.

Non–Violence and Better Peace – The facilitator defined Violence as the absence of peace. He further stated that to become peaceful, one must choose to be at peace with himself first and the community at large.

Religious Tolerance: The facilitator emphasized that respecting others' choice of worship is paramount in achieving religious stability. He concluded his presentation by saying that a heart of acceptance and respect is what all need.

Climaxing the day was a screening of the movie titled, "Homeless to Harvard ." A movie daring campers to dream big and never allow life's circumstances to hinder their journey toward change and progress. Most importantly, the film implies that change itself is a choice and a decision anyone who desires to leave a mark must take at the appropriate time.


Team Brown won the “Rise and Shine” competition. The sessions for the third day (August 9, 2022) focused on Civic Education, Social Justice and Advocacy, Peer Pressure, and Drug addiction. These topics were designed to help campers learn about their country’s history, rights and duties as citizens, justice, and the causes, effects, and prevention of peer pressure and drug addiction. Like many previous sessions, campers highly engaged in these sessions as they revolved around teens and were familiar with their everyday lives. A brief visit was made to the City Mayor of Kakata.

He encouraged the campers that being selected for such an experience should stand out as the best. After visiting the community and making brief stops to some stakeholders of the county, the campers retired to camp to have lunch with the Traditional Council representative, who later held a session on the importance of their culture and traditions. Games and getting to know each other better followed, and a movie night showing ‘Lean on Me’ climaxed day three.


The fourth day (August 10, 2022) began with “Rise and Shine,” with five joint winners, followed by devotion led by Team Brown. Team Orange led a recap of the previous days’ activities.

Next was a visit to the Peter Sayklon Orphanage Home and Farm located at upper Margibi, Bong Mines Road. The objective was for the campers to socialize with the orphans and carry out a service project on the farm by plowing the farmland by weeding. The proprietress Martha T. W. Sayklon, the staff, and the children held an indoor program. Mother Sayklon facilitated a session on the importance of knowing what you eat and how to take care of your garden or farmland.

The next visit was a visit with Former Senator Oscar Cooper. He encouraged the campers to stay focused on their education and use the opportunity the Gbowee Foundation gave. At his school, the campers met with his team of teachers, who held a quizzing session on phonics and current events. They later played basketball at Senator Cooper’s residence. A night of Talent Show climaxed on Day four (4), where campers showed off their God-given talents of rap, dances, acting, and singing during this informal period.


The fifth day (August 11, 2022) began with breakfast and the entire team boarding two buses for a trip of about 45 miles from Kakata to Monrovia. Upon arrival at the Capitol, the campers were led on a tour of the Capitol Building by the Program Manager, Mr. David Konneh, as the lawmakers were on their Constituency Break.

Later they went to meet the Chief Justice, where his Administrative Assistant briefly gave an overview of the procedures and operations of the Judiciary Branch of Government. The arrival of Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. was announced as he entered the Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia as everyone stood. Madam Leymah R. Gbowee made an opening statement highlighting the visit's objectives, which has been a PTFP tradition for the past six (6) years. Chief Justice Korkpor welcomed everyone and enlightened the campers on how he became Chief Justice and the roles and responsibilities of other Justices of the Supreme Court.

Next, he held an intense session of questions and answers with both campers and volunteers, which he answered. One camper with a disability asked, "why is it that people with disability are not treated equally under the law, or is the law only meant for people who can hear, talk, see, or walk?"

The campers boarded the bus and departed the Supreme Court for Sharks Entertainment Center on Airfield, Sinkor, to have lunch with GPFA’s Board of Trustees members. They sat in teams to share their experiences of their visits to the Capitol Building and the Supreme Court through a time of quizzing facilitated by Madam Gbowee. After a scrumptious meal, the campers were ushered on the bus to Kakata. Back in Kakata, the campers visited Senator Cooper’s farm and had much fun. The day climaxed at the Kem’s Guest House with a talent show among themselves.


The final day of camp (August 12, 2022) started with devotion and breakfast. Two sessions were facilitated by Mrs. Monjay George Pratt, who talked about “Choosing Career,” and Dr. Patience Dobson Barcon, who discussed “Personal Hygiene.”

After these sessions, everyone gathered outside for the closing program. Each camper was presented two pictures in frames; one with their group members and the other a historic group picture with Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor, Sr., who was expected to retire in a few weeks. Each received a book bag and cash prize money for participating in competitions.

Team Brown members carried the highest amount, equivalent to US$13.30 each. Team Blue (US$12) each, Orange and Green (US$11.30), and Yellow (US$8.00) each.

The Peace Ambassador for the 7th PTFP camp, John Blamo, from Team yellow, received a one-year scholarship from GPFA, a cash prize of (US$150.00) and the opportunity to sponsor any project he decides to do in his community. Korpo Flomo won the best volunteer award chosen by the campers.

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The 11th Edition of Feminist Lecture Series “HERSTORY”

The Feminist Lecture Series "HerStory" is a Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa event that creates an intellectual environment for women and men to discuss issues affecting society's peace and security. It creates a platform that tells stories of how politics and injustice disrupt women's tranquility from their experiences throughout the series. Many issues threaten women's peace and security in various communities and nations. 

However, the rationale is to break the silence and psychological barriers such as lack of confidence, fear of rejection, and open misogyny in a male-dominated environment that suppresses women instead of showcasing their gifts and talent. 

The forum aims to stimulate women's intellectual growth and capacity to be socially and politically active in society. It also enhances women's leadership capacity to advocate for all forms of violence against women and create an environment where women, men, and youth can dialogue on policies and support issues of gender concerns. The 11th edition of the Feminist Lecture Series - "HerStory" features current and former women Representatives and Senators aspirants discussing the dynamics of women and politics.

Madam Leymah Roberta Gbowee - On July 8, Madam Gbowee moderated the 11th edition of the Feminist Lecture Series “HerStory” alongside five(5) women panelist. Some of these panelists were political aspirants, current senators and representatives. They had an intellectual forum about the dynamics of women and politics.

Feminist Lecture Series Panelists

The 11th edition of the FLS-HerStory panelists include: Honorable Senator Botoe Kanneh of Gbarpolu County on the left end, Honorable Representative Maimo Briggs-Mensah of District #6, Bong County on the mid-left, Senatorial Aspirant Dabah Varpilah on the mid-right and representative aspirant Kula Fofana of Grand Cape Mount County on the right end.

Hon. Senator Botoe Kanneh of Gbarpolu County, Liberia

She won the 2020 senatorial election against Senator Armah Z. Jallah of Gbarpolu County. At the Feminist Lecture Series, Several questions were asked about how she stood to conquer her predecessor Senator Armah Z. Jallah. Hon. Kanneh was a marketer who sold dry meat for a living. Her humanitarian and cordial relationship to identify the needs of people gave her a seat in the Senate.

Hon. Moima Briggs-Mensah, Rep #6, Bong Co. Liberia

Representative Mensah is a vocal Female Liberian politician who ascended as a Representative of District #6, Bong County 2013, and has contributed many humanitarian services to less fortunate people in Bong County, specifically Salala district. She has, for the past two years, won several accolades in political leadership, including the Golden Image Award – Rural Development 2019, National Event Planners Awards- Best Female Lawmaker of the Year 2019, Corruption Watch- tough-talking Female Lawmaker of the Year 2019.

Mrs. Dabah Varpilah, Former/Aspirant Senatorial Candidate, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia

Mrs. Varpilah participated in the 2018 election as a Grand Cape Mount County Senator. She is currently an exciting candidate for the Senatorial post at Grand Cape Mount County. She said that if she wants to be recognized for her services, she would prefer “Honesty” as a recognition.

Ms. Kula Fofana, Former Senatorial and Current Representative Candidate, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia

She is the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at David A. Straz Technical and Vocational College of the University of Liberia and a student of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law. She served as the former assistant Minister of Youth Development at the Ministry of Youth & Sport, Co-Chaired Liberia’s Vision 2030, and headed the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP) Adolescent Girls Division. She contested for the 2019/2020 Senatorial by-Election and lost to Hon. Victor Varney Waston

Several guests were in attendance, including the UN Women country representative -Madam Comfort Lamptey, Ambassador Kate O'Donnell - Chargé d'Affaires, Embassy of Ireland, Madam Olubanke King Akerele -former Foreign Minister during the former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's administration. Also in attendance was Madam Elizabeth Lwanga King, the Ugandan and UN diplomat who played an essential role in bringing peace to Sierra Leone, and Madam Frances Johnson-Morris, a chairperson of the Liberian National Election Commission (NEC) in 2005.

Comfort Lamptey - UN Women Country Rep.

Comfort Lamptey served as Senior Gender Adviser to the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and principal adviser on gender issues to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General. Before joining UNMIL, she served as a Gender Advisor to the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) in 2004. She has also worked at the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as a Regional Adviser to West Africa and Senior Gender adviser at the Headquarters in Geneva.

Maureen Sieh - Journalist

She was the first Liberian journalist to travel to the battlefront and neighboring Ivory Coast and Guinea, where thousands of Liberians had sought refuge.


Priscilla Abram Cooper - She is a representative aspirant for district #5, Montserrado County, and contesting for the seat of Hon. Thomas Fallah.

Elizabeth Lwanga King - UN Diplomat

She is a Ugandan and UN diplomat that played a vital role in bringing peace to Sierra Leone. The UN Diplomat, Madam Elizabeth Lwanga King, provided her diplomatic skills to get the belligerents to the negotiating table, culminating in the Abidjan Peace Accord in 1996.

Madam Frances Johnson- Morris

Madam Frances Johnson-Morris was the chairperson of the Liberian National Election Commission (NEC) in 2005, supervising the election that produced the first democratically elected female President of Liberia and Africa, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She was also the chairwoman of the Liberian anti-Anti-Corruption Commission and a professional Lawyer.

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GPFA Graduates for the Academic Year 2021-2022

The GPFA scholarship proudly announces that fourteen students have achieved their dream by acquiring degrees. Over the past years, many began their studies on the scholarship as first-year students. Others receive the scholarship at different statuses. Academically, many of our scholars proudly graduated with Bachelor's honorary degree, and the highest of these honors was a "Salutatorian" -Tabitha D. Robert graduated with a Summa Cum laude 3.83 GPA in International Relations from Cuttington University. Doreen A. Odiaja came second in Ranking, having a Magma Cum laude with a 3.68 GPA in International Relations from Cuttington University. Emmanuel Blemmie graduated with an honor of Magma Cum laude 3.51 GPA in Chemistry from the University of Liberia. Other scholars that received Cum Lauda include Sarah Sumo, with a 3.55 GPA in Biology from the Adventist University of West Africa, and Beulah Nimene, with a 3.33 GPA in Economics from Cuttington University. Other specialized scholars include Patience Dobson that graduated from A.M. Dogliotti School of Health Sciences & Life Science with a Medical Degree in General Medicine.

Cuttington University 60th Commencement - On June 17, 2022, Nine GPFA students earned university degrees, and one was honored as the Salutatorian.

Blessing Collins - BSc in Economics, 3.15 GPA

Blessing Collins was awarded GPFA's scholarship in 2019 to continue her studies at Cuttington University. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Economics. Blessing's dream is to redesign Liberian Businesses with innovative entrepreneurship concepts that will enable Economic growth within the various business industries. She realized many Liberians are interested in business but are marketing the same products/services. In Time, the success rate of those businesses will diminish due to Liberia's low population. She believes entrepreneurship innovation and training will help rediscover other profitable unnoticed businesses and improve the economy of Liberia.

Celebrating Excellence - Cuttington University Class of 2021/ 2022, "Salutatorian" -Tabitha D. Robert graduated with a Summa Cum laude 3.83 GPA in International Relations from Cuttington University

Tabitha D. Roberts

Tabitha is the Salutatorian of Cuttington University Class of 2022/ 2023 with a 3.83 GPA. Currently, Tabitha is a student at the Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute.

Beulah Nimene

Bachelor Degree in Economics with Honors - Cum laude 3.33 GPA

Klubo Clinton

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with speciality in Natural Resource Management.

Alicia D. Nyanti

Alicia D. Nyanti, a BSC in Biology & Chemistry.

Sarah Sumo

She was awarded Bachelor of science in Public Health with honor achieving a Cum laude 3.55 GPA from the Adventist University of West Africa.

Emmanuel Blemie

He celebrated a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with an emphasis in health science. He achieved his degree with great distinction earning an honor, Magma cum laude 3.51 GPA from the University of Liberia.

Dr. Patience Dobson Barcon

GPFA first scholar to graduate as a medical doctor. Dr. Patience Dobson Barcon graduated from the A.M. Dogliotti College of Health and Life Sciences, University of Liberia as a medical doctor on March 21, 2022, with a MD degree in General Medicine.

Claudius J. Tormu

He graduated as the Valedictorian of BlueCrest University College with a GPA of 3.98 Bachelor of Science degree in Information & Technology

Wilnet S. Z. Gaye - Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science at Stella Maris Polytechnic University.

Join us to congratulate our distinguished graduates 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Korpo Flomo

BSC in Agriculture with speciality in Natural Resource Management.

Laura Kolaker

She received a Bachelor of Science in Biology with emphasis in Chemistry achieving a 3.27 GPA at the Cuttington University.

Avero S. King

Avero graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology from Starz University. He is now paying off his serving as an IT Intern for GPFA.

Doreen A. Odiaji

She was awarded Bachelor's in International Relations with honor receiving a Magma Cum Laude 3.68 GPA. Doreen has participated in a series of leadership opportunities that fuel her passion to give back to charity through shoe provision campaign for kids in Bong County.

Maryann Jensen

She achieved her Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from African Methodist Episcopal University. She is motivated to be a future Central Bank Governor of Liberia.

Assatu S. Kaya

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering - 3.65 GPA. She is GPFA first female Electrical Engineer. With her excellent performance at Stella Maris Polytechnic University, She also graduated with Honor enlightening the way for others.

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7 of GPFA’s Students Earn Bachelor Degrees from Cuttington University.


Celebrating Excellence

March 13th, 2021 marked the first time 7 of GPFA’s students earned university degrees all at once.


Austin Baryo

For the first time also, we graduated our first Visually Impaired student - Austine Baryo earned a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement with honors.


Marianne Rennie,

BSC in Natural Resource Management.


Stiffinnie Saunders

BSC in Accounting with Honors.


Courage Wilson

Bachelor’s of Science in Biology


Nancy Tulay, a BSC in Biology & Chemistry with Honors.

Family, we can’t overstate our joy and pride in all the graduates mentioned above. They inspire us to continue the work we do- providing outstanding education to Liberian women and youth.

Join us to congratulate our seven distinguished graduates


Jenneh S. Berry

BSC in Accounting

Josephine Gekepelee, a BSC in Public Administration with Honors.

Josephine Gekepelee, a BSC in Public Administration with Honors.

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International Women’s Day - Celebrating Women in Peace & Justice in Liberia.

In observance of International Women’s Day, on March 8, 2021, hosted an honoring program under the theme, “Celebrating Women in Peace & Justice in Liberia.” The program was attended by former President, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Deputy Speaker, Mr. Fonati Koffa, Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawerence, the Female Legislative Caucus Liberia, Swedish Ambassador Ingrid Wetterqvist, and members of the Diplomatic Call 

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One of the goals of the program was to h

onor 300 women and several organizations from the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace Campaign who fought in the trenches for peace.

Accordingly, we unveiled the “Wall of Peace” that symbolically contains names of women and organizations from the Liberia Mass Action for Peace Campaign.

Wall of Peace

Before the unveiling of the “Wall of Peace,” Madam Gbowee announced the creation of the Veteran Women’s Peace Fund with the goal to provide financial aid to members of the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace Campaign in the event of sickness and death.  

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Veteran Women’s Peace Fund

“The fund will cater to the needs of the women who fought in the trenches for Liberia’s peace” Madam Leymah Gbowee

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We climaxed the event with the unveiling of Madam Sugars Cooper’s portrait. Madam Coopers is a longstanding mentor of Madam Gbowee and in her words, “my early journey as a peace activist would not have been possible with the mentorship of my dear Etweda Sugars Cooper.”

Unveiling of Sugars’ Portrait

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Join the Dollar for Peace Campaign

On February 1st, 2021, which was also Madam Leymah Gbowee's birthday, we launched the Dollar For Peace Campaign, intending to reach one million people and raise $1 million for education and peacebuilding in Liberia!


The campaign also celebrates ten years since Madam Gbowee won the Nobel Peace Prize. After winning the prize, she established Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa (GPFA), an institution created to provide African youths educational and leadership opportunities.

Since GPFA’s inception in 2012, we have provided full scholarships to over 700 Liberian youths. Over 5,000 youths have benefitted from the foundation's various programs and projects (e.g., Peace Through Fair Play Camp, Peace Jam Youth Leadership Initiative, Health and Rights Initiative, Book Bag Drive, etc.).

On this journey, I continue to see that educating the next generation of peace builders is more than paying school fees. It is about investing in the whole person: providing for their basic human security needs
— Leymah Gbowee

GPFA’s investment in education is a mission to ensure Africa is reconciled and peaceful. Your support now will help mobilize resources and help GPFA provide full scholarships for 200 university and high school students. Your support now will help mobilize resources and extend our 360-degree scholarships to students who are in dire need of education to actualize their dreams.

Join the Dollar for Peace Campaign and donate now.

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GPFA Concludes its “Don’t Touch My Peace.”

Every weekend, for the past three months, PeaceJammers thoroughly engaged over forty (40) violent-prone communities to sensitize first-time voters and community members about electoral violence. Inspired by the proverb, “it is best to sit on the old mat to plait the new one,” PeaceJammers leveraged engagement strategies from the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace campaign. 

On Fridays, PeaceJammers visited Mosques and read the campaign statement, which calls on Muslim leaders to prioritize peaceful election processes and dissuade their communities from participating in electoral violence. At the end of the Friday Prayers, PeaceJammers encouraged the Muslim community to sign on to GPFA/ PJLIB’s Peace Banner. The Peace Banner symbolizes reaffirmation to promoting and sustaining Liberia’s peace.

Read more here.

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Student Enrichment Program

GPFA launched its Scholars Enrichment Program (SEP) in July 2020 to deliver academic and personal development content to our high school students.

While learning continues for students in developed countries during this pandemic, Liberians cannot say the same. The lack of online learning methods and incentives to keep students engaged pose a significant challenge to their development.

Research shows that now more than ever, our students need holistic support and encouragement to thrive through this particular time.

At GPFA, we pride ourselves on providing quality education and leadership opportunities to our students. During this pandemic, our high school students benefit from a range of tutoring and psycho-social services through our Scholars Enrichment Program (SEP). SEP would not be possible without our university students' involvement as they spend hours ensuring that learning continues amid Coronavirus.

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COVID-19 Awareness

On March 27, 2020, the Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa (GPFA) launched its Coronavirus Outreach & Awareness Initiative (COAI). The goal was to prepare communities to combat the spread of the virus. Throughout the first and second phases of GPFA's COAI— which lasted from March to April 2020— the Foundation worked with communities, women-led, and youth organizations to raise awareness around the existence and prevention of Coronavirus in Liberia.

To ensure that less-income communities' needs were adequately addressed, the Foundation, in partnership with the Segal Foundation, launched the third phase of its COAI campaign. This next     phase focused on media and print sensitization, capacity building to local organizations, providing food and clean drinking water to COVID-19 impacted community, and distributing sanitization materials to individuals, institutions, and homes within Montserrado and Margibi Counties.


The Foundation identified ten (10) local non-profit organizations in Montserrado & Margibi counties undertaking similar Coronavirus outreach and awareness initiatives. We wanted to extend our reach in remote communities and support the work of these small non-profits. As such, we supported ten organizations with US$150 each. We presented nose-masks, soap, bumper stickers, and awareness flyers to aid in their outreach process in addition to the funds.


As a means of disseminating the awareness messages to counties affected by Coronavirus, we partnered with ten radio stations in Montserrado & Margibi counties to play jingles about Coronavirus. These jingles were then translated into local Liberian dialects and were aired on same radio stations. We also conducted door to door outreach to distribute our print materials which illustrated ways to curb the spread of the virus. More than 1,000 bumper stickers, and flyers were distributed during this period.


The campaign targeted two of Liberia’s counties namely, Montserrado and Margibi. In Montserrado county, we targeted 5 communities namely, Brewerville, Virginia, Thinkers Village, Airfield, and Peace Island. Each community received 5 bags of rice along with 5 hand washing buckets, 5 cartons of soap, and 80 pieces of nose masks. We also supplied all the communities mentioned above with clean drinking and domestic use water. The distribution of clean drinking water extended to the Monrovia Prison Compound. Over 5,000 gallons of cooking water and 2,000 sacs of drinking water were supplied to the inmates. 

In Margibi county, Harbel, Fendell and Smell No Taste and in Montserrado county, Clay Ashland and Todee, 50 elderly persons in these communities received one bag of rice with one gallon of oil each. Thirty-eight (38) of GPFA's high school students also received assorted food items and over 95,000 Liberian Dollars to help their families during these challenging times. 

The campaign also assisted youth-led organizations in their outreach to COVID prone communities. 10 bags of rice each were given to Brighter Initiatives for Revitalization & Development, Concern Youth Initiative, Federation of Banjor Youth Group, totaling thirty bags of rice. 


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Sustain the Peace

It all begins with an idea.

Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa (GPFA) Sustain the Peace Project is funded by the Women Peace & Humanitarian Fund (WPHF). This 18-month project, themed “Mobilizing Liberians to Address Political Violence Against Women," targets fifteen districts within Montserrado, Grand Gedeh, and Lofa counties.

In these three counties, GPFA is mobilizing young women and key stakeholders to increase the visibility and effectiveness of Liberian women's leadership regarding conflict prevention and responses to incidents of political and personal violence.

This Sustain the Peace project complements current peacebuilding work in targeted counties by identifying and training 150 women peace advocates as Peace Brigades. 15 Peace Desks have been established in 15 districts within these three counties.

Each district has a Peace Desk Officer who leads GPFA’s network of community leaders and Peace Brigades to respond to sexual and political violence in their communities. They are charged with tracking and reporting instances of violence against women and are serving as mediators and mentors of young women peacebuilders.

Read more here.

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Don’t Touch My Peace Campaign

Every weekend, PeaceJammers engage market places, churches, and mosques and encourage Liberia’s to prioritize peaceful elections. A Peace Message is read at every event in addition to the distribution of bumper stickers and the signing of our Peace Banner. Community members are encouraged to sign the banner, reaffirming their commitment to sustaining Liberia’s hard fought peace.

Launched on International Day of Peace, September 21, 2020, the violence-free elections campaign brings together over 600 PeaceJammers in three of Liberia's counties—Bong, Margibi, Montserrado— to address the gap in curbing political and electoral violence by placing young Liberians as frontliners in active peacebuilding activities through PeaceJam Liberia (PJLIB) Project.

Every weekend, PeaceJammers engage market places, churches, and mosques and encourage Liberia’s to prioritize peaceful elections. A Peace Message is read at every event in addition to the distribution of bumper stickers and the signing of our Peace Banner. Community members are encouraged to sign the banner, reaffirming their commitment to sustaining Liberia’s hard fought peace.

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GPFA Joined Anti-Rape Campaign

It all begins with an idea.

GPFA joined hundreds of concerned Liberians at the End Rape in Liberia protest that calls on the Liberian government to see the stark rise in Sexual & Gender-Based Violence cases as a national emergency and a threat to the livelihood of Liberian children.

In the past seven months, since the advent of Coronavirus in Liberia, more than 950 cases of rape, assault, and sodomy have been registered. Children, as young as 3-year-old, fall smack in the category of victims.

It is incumbent upon all and everyone- young, old, civil societies, governmental institutions- to work together and put an end to the continuous war on women’s bodies.

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COVID-19 Outreach

It all begins with an idea.

We are grateful for our partnership with USAID/Internews that has allowed GPFA to train ten female mobilizers to engage and support ten vulnerable communities within Margibi & Montserrado counties.

Since COVID-19 entered Liberia, GPFA has supported over sixty low-income communities through the provision of food supplies, clean drinking water: additionally, we distributed sanitation materials such as hand washing buckets, cartons of powder soap, and hygiene products.

The fight against COVID-19 must continue, and we must help vulnerable communities stay vigilant in the fight.

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